You have 24 Hours to enter a score without penalty
Time limit on entering scores
A score should be returned on the same day as the round was played but no later than 24 hours
after completion of a round. The period of 24 hours is taken from 23:00 on the day of play to 23:00
the following day. Scores not returned during this period will result in a penalty score being entered
on the player’s behalf. Such scores are not to be deleted or modified by the player’s home club,
unless exceptional circumstances warrant such action. A player is obliged to enter a score on the
system before another round is played.
Players without South African handicap Indexes
South African players who are not affiliated to Golf RSA are outside the scope of this Handicapping
System. Where such players compete against players with Golf RSA handicap indexes, it is
recommended that in the absence of any handicap history, organizing committees allow men a
maximum Handicap Index of 13.0 and ladies a maximum Handicap Index of 20.0.